Join the Facilities Management Community

Join the Facilities Management Community

With one platform, all the voices interested in the development of facilities management.
The platform seeks to expand and grow this industry by gathering everyone whose interested in facilities management in one place,
All events and information related to FM industry will be emailed to you after you register on the platform. You can also make a call for an event or hold a referendum on a certain subject, publish an article and information, or simply send a query to the facilities management community.

In addition to organizing workshops and lectures for the purpose of encouraging continuous improvement and enhancing sustainability in the development of facilities, compiling all relevant resources in one place for quick access at any time, and following up on regional events and benefiting from them.
Our goal is to represent the facilities management industry by raising awareness and promoting the use of best practices to enhance and develop the FM sector in Kuwait in-line with the highest standards of international best practices..

CAFM Community